Comprehensive SEM and PPC Audit

Optimize Your Paid Search Audit Strategy

Our SEM audit service is an in-depth examination of a client’s digital marketing strategy, including onsite optimization and paid search engine marketing strategies. Our team will analyze keyword performance and ROI, recommend new strategies to reach the best results, and deliver recommendations for better management of their PPC campaigns, including specific guidelines and benchmarks for future success.

Team Up with Our SEM Audit Experts

At Digital Results, we have extensive experience in search engine marketing and will work with you to perform a comprehensive audit and help you drive traffic to your site, and your high-converting landing pages. Partner with us to succeed in your online marketing endeavors.

Why Choose Digital Results

Search Engine Marketing Audits Tailored to You

The digital world can be complex. When you are evaluating your performance, it’s essential to have the right tools and knowledge. Our team of SEM and paid search experts are here to help. We will work with you to create strategies to increase conversion rates, review key performance indicators, and create a plan tailored to your business’s SEM and PPC needs.

sem audit services

Our Competitive Analysis Services

What is in Our SEM Audit Services

Our SEM/PPC audit is a comprehensive evaluation of your paid search campaigns, including keyword research, bidding strategy, ad copy analysis, landing page optimization, tracking, and analytics review. With our services, you will be able to identify areas for improvement and provide actionable insights to help optimize your SEM and PPC efforts and achieve your online marketing goals.

ppc audit agency

PPC Keyword

An SEM and PPC audit can help identify areas for improvement in your campaign, such as underperforming keywords. We provide an exhaustive review of your keyword strategy, including target keywords, search volume, and competition levels.

Conversion Tracking & Analytics

During an audit, we conduct an assessment of your conversion tracking and analytics, to ensure accurate data and insights into campaign performance. This is a great way to understand the impact of your SEM/PPC campaign on key performance indicators such as revenue, product sales, and website traffic.

Ad Copy & Landing Page Review

We will assess the relevance and performance of your ad copy and landing pages, taking into account conversion actions and user experience. We will provide recommendations for improvements to ensure that your google ads and landing pages are optimized for click-through rates and deliver a positive user experience. This will help you to maximize the return on investment of your PPC campaigns and improve the overall performance of your SEM efforts.

Bid Management & Budget Allocation

Our team will analyze your bid management strategy and budget allocation to ensure you get the most value for your money. By identifying areas where your ad account can be optimized, we can help you allocate your budget more effectively. We will monitor key performance, quality score, and impression share for your PPC campaigns and help you to make the most of your SEM efforts.


Conducting an SEM/PPC audit and competitive analysis can help you better understand your competitor’s bidding strategy and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns and conversion actions. In addition, our competitor analysis can help identify opportunities for increasing impression share and highlight areas where your business can provide unique value to customers, helping you stand out from the competition.

Recommendations & Action Plan

Once our marketing SEM and PPC experts have conducted an audit of your site, we will send and review a report of findings and recommendations for optimization, along with an implementation plan. Once the optimization has been completed, one of our digital marketers will review and monitor your campaigns on an ongoing basis. We will make adjustments to ensure that you get the most value from your PPC campaigns.

The duration of an SEM or PPC audit can vary based on multiple factors, such as the size and intricacy of campaigns, keywords and ad groups, site tracking, landing pages, and the volume of data to evaluate. Usually, the time frame for a PPC or SEM audit can range from a few days to a few weeks.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a broad term that encompasses various strategies and techniques to promote websites and generate more traffic through search engines.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a subset of SEM and refers to a specific advertising model where the advertiser pays each time a user clicks on one of their ads.

In short, PPC is a type of SEM, but not all SEM is PPC.

Several popular search engines support PPC advertising. The most widely used platform is Google Ads. It provides advertisers with a robust and extensive network to reach their target audience. In addition, it offers a variety of ad formats, targeting options, and bidding strategies.

In addition to Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) is another major player in the PPC advertising landscape. Microsoft Advertising allows advertisers to display their ads on the Bing search engine and other Microsoft-owned properties like Yahoo and AOL. While Bing has a smaller market share than Google, it can still offer valuable opportunities to reach a different audience and often at a lower cost per click.

Apart from Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, other search engines support PPC advertising to varying degrees. For instance, platforms like Amazon Advertising provide PPC opportunities for advertisers looking to promote their products directly on the Amazon marketplace. In addition, social media platforms like YouTube (owned by Alphabet, the parent company of Google), Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter Ads also offer PPC advertising options that allow targeting based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Overall, the choice of search engines for PPC advertising depends on the target audience, campaign objectives, and budget. Therefore, it’s recommended to evaluate each platform’s demographics, user behavior, and advertising options provided by each platform to determine the most suitable search engines for a particular PPC campaign.

Quality Score is a crucial metric in PPC advertising used by search engines, primarily Google Ads, to assess the relevance and quality of keywords, ads, and landing pages. As a result, it plays a significant role in determining an ad’s position in search engine results and the cost per click (CPC) for each keyword.

Quality Score is calculated based on multiple factors, including the click-through rate (CTR) of the keyword and its corresponding ad, the relevance of the ad text to the search query, the quality and relevance of the landing page, historical account performance, and other relevance signals. A higher Quality Score indicates that the ad is more relevant to the user’s search intent and provides a better user experience.

Having a high Quality Score offers several benefits. First, it can lead to higher ad positions on the search engine results page without necessarily bidding higher than competitors. Second, a higher Quality Score often results in a lower CPC, reducing the cost of acquiring clicks and maximizing the return on investment. Finally, a good Quality Score encourages a better user experience, as ads are more likely to be relevant and valuable to searchers.

To improve Quality Score, advertisers should focus on creating highly relevant and targeted ads, selecting appropriate keywords, and optimizing landing pages to provide a seamless user experience. In addition, regularly monitoring and optimizing campaigns based on Quality Score can lead to improved ad performance and cost-efficiency in PPC advertising.

PPC advertising offers various types of PPC ad formats and options to cater to different campaign goals and target audiences. Here are some of the commonly used types of PPC ads:

  1. Search Ads: These are text-based ads that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for specific keywords. Search ads typically contain a headline, a description, and a display URL. They are triggered by relevant search queries and can be highly targeted based on keyword selection and audience segmentation.
  2. Display Ads: Display ads are visual advertisements that appear on websites within a network of publishers. They can include images, graphics, videos, or interactive elements. Display ads are more visually appealing and can effectively build brand awareness, reach a broader audience, and retarget website visitors.
  3. Shopping Ads: Shopping ads are used by e-commerce retailers to promote specific products. These ads feature product images, prices, and relevant information. Shopping ads are typically displayed on search engine results pages, where users search for specific products or browse through online shopping platforms. They allow advertisers to showcase their products directly to potential customers.
  4. Video Ads: Video ads appear before, during, or after online video content. They can be displayed on video-sharing platforms like YouTube or within other video streaming services. Video ads can be highly engaging and offer opportunities for storytelling, demonstrating product features, or delivering a brand message to captivate the audience.
  5. App Install Ads: These ads encourage users to download and install mobile applications. They are commonly displayed within mobile apps or on app stores, including compelling visuals, app descriptions, and call-to-action buttons to drive installations.
  6. Remarketing Ads: Remarketing, also known as retargeting, involves targeting users who have previously interacted with a website or app. Remarketing ads remind visitors to complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a response form. Remarketing or retargeting ads can be displayed across various platforms, including search engines, display networks, and social media.

Advertisers should consider their campaign objectives, target audience, and the most suitable ad formats to effectively reach and engage their intended audience. By combining these PPC ad types, advertisers can create a comprehensive and impactful campaign strategy to achieve their desired goals.

Landing page optimization in PPC refers to improving the elements and user experience of the landing page to maximize the conversion rate and campaign performance. A landing page is a specific web page where users are directed after clicking a PPC ad. Optimizing the landing page aims to ensure that it aligns with the ad’s message, engages visitors, and encourages them to take the desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter.

To optimize a landing page for PPC, several key factors should be considered to optimize a PPC landing page. Firstly, the landing page should have a clear and compelling headline that matches the ad’s message and grabs the visitor’s attention. In addition, the content should be relevant, concise, and focused on highlighting the benefits or unique selling points of the product or service being promoted.

The landing page should also have a strong call-to-action (CTA) that clearly instructs users on what action to take. The CTA should be prominently displayed and visually appealing. Minimizing distractions and ensuring a clean, user-friendly design that guides visitors toward the desired conversion goal is also essential.

Furthermore, the landing page should be optimized for fast loading speed to prevent visitors from leaving due to slow page load times. Mobile optimization is equally crucial since it increases users’ experience while using mobile devices. Therefore, optimizing landing pages for mobile responsiveness and usability can significantly improve the user experience and conversion rates.

Continuous testing and optimization are vital to improving landing page performance. Conducting A/B tests, experimenting with different elements, layouts, and messaging, and analyzing data and user behavior can provide valuable insights to refine the landing page and enhance its effectiveness in driving conversions.

By focusing on landing page optimization, advertisers can increase the chances of converting PPC traffic into valuable leads or customers and maximize the return on their PPC investment.

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is an advertising technique that allows advertisers to target and reconnect with users who have previously interacted with their website, app, or specific content. It works by placing a cookie or pixel on the user’s device when they visit the advertiser’s site, enabling the advertiser to display tailored ads to those users as they browse other websites or use online platforms.

The main objective of remarketing is to re-engage users who have shown an initial interest or intent but have yet to complete the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. By serving targeted ads to these users, remarketing aims to remind them of the brand, products, or services they previously engaged with and encourage them to return and complete the desired conversion.

Remarketing can be highly effective because it allows advertisers to deliver personalized and relevant messaging to a warm audience that has already shown interest. It helps to reinforce brand awareness, increase ad recall, and provide additional touchpoints to move users further down the conversion funnel.

There are various types of remarketing campaigns that advertisers can implement, such as standard remarketing (displaying ads across the Google Display Network), dynamic remarketing (showcasing specific products or services that users have viewed), and remarketing lists for search ads (tailoring search ads to users who have previously visited the website).

To maximize the effectiveness of remarketing campaigns, it’s important to segment the audience based on their behavior, interests, or specific actions taken on the website. This allows for more targeted and personalized messaging. Additionally, regularly reviewing and refining the ad creatives, adjusting bid strategies, and analyzing performance metrics are crucial for optimizing remarketing campaigns and achieving the desired conversion outcomes.

Remarketing can be a powerful tool in PPC advertising, helping advertisers reconnect with interested users and improve overall campaign performance by increasing conversions, engagement, and customer retention.

PPC advertising, also known as paid search advertising, operates on a bid-based model and involves advertisers paying a fee each time their ad is clicked. It works through a series of steps that involve keyword targeting, ad creation, bidding, and ad placement. Here’s a fundamental breakdown of how PPC advertising works:

  1. Keyword Research: Advertisers conduct keyword research to identify the keywords their target audience will likely use when searching for products, services, or information. These keywords will determine when their ads are triggered to appear in search engine results.
  2. Ad Creation: Advertisers create compelling and relevant ads that align with their campaign objectives. Ads typically consist of a headline, ad copy, and a URL.
  3. Campaign Setup: Advertisers set up their PPC campaign within a chosen advertising platform, such as Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising. They define campaign settings, including a budget, target audience, geographic targeting, and ad scheduling.
  4. Bidding: Advertisers participate in an auction-style bidding system to determine the placement of their ads. They set a maximum bid amount they will pay for a click on their ad. The bid, along with the quality and relevance of the ad, influences the ad’s position on search engine results pages.
  5. Ad Auction: When a user performs a search query, the search engine evaluates all relevant ads based on their bid amounts and quality scores. The search engine determines which ads will be shown and in what order.
  6. Ad Placement: The winning ads are displayed in the search engine results in pages or other relevant placements, such as display networks or partner websites. The ads are typically labeled as “Sponsored” or “Ad” to indicate they are paid advertisements.
  7. Cost and Payment: Advertisers are charged only when their ad is clicked, hence the name “Pay-Per-Click.” Factors like bid amounts, quality scores, and competition determine the cost per click (CPC). Advertisers are billed for the clicks received during a given period, and they can set a daily or monthly budget to control their spending.
  8. Performance Tracking and Optimization: Advertisers continuously monitor the performance of their PPC campaigns, analyzing metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI). Based on the insights gained, they can make data-driven optimizations, adjust bids, refine ad targeting, and improve ad copy to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of their campaigns.

PPC advertising offers advertisers a way to reach a targeted audience, drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions by leveraging the visibility and reach of search engines and online platforms. In addition, it provides advertisers with control over their budget, targeting options, and the ability to track and measure campaign performance.

Ready to Grow Your Paid Search Results?

Let Digital Results assist you in your PPC/SEM Advertising strategy and help deliver the paid search engine results you need.